Plastic hangers

I recently noticed how many plastic hangers bright colors are for sale. It should be the start of the school year and everyone is getting ready. See these pink hangers, orange, white, blue, lime green made me think of what hangers are the most environmentally friendly option and what I like.
I see there are four basic options for clothes hangers:
1. Wire hangers, like you get from dry cleaning
2. Plastic hangers, such as bright colors that caught my attention
3. Wooden hangers
4. Padded hangers (although they padded versions of the above styles)

I suspect there are other players out there, but those are the three that come to mind right away. What hangers do you want and use more? I have four men in my closets.
Most of them seem to be using metal hangers. They are abundant and do the job because they are designed to, in most cases. But sometimes quite I do not want to wire, then go to one of the other three patterns.
My coats, especially wooden coat hangers are long and heavy. My jackets and wool were hung on plastic hangers. I love the durability of these hangers, and support my clothes as well.
My clothes get very nice silk and quilted or plastic hangers. I want to avoid annoyance and sharp creases, and I want to dampen some of my clothes to make them look nicer longer.
But what about the environmental aspects of my options? Without even thinking about it I know that plastic hangers are the worst for the environment, especially given my preference to avoid petroleum products. They do a good job of hanging clothes, though. Maybe my gas was dimming the quality of the air inside too.
What about wooden hangers? Lost his life tree for my wooden hangers, or made of scrap wood or "junk"? This is mostly rhetorical for me, designed to make us think and be more aware of our question choices. The wood itself does not turn off the gas, but the finish itself can. Can affect the hanging clothes on it, air quality. Durability is present however.
Wire hangers drain metal on the floor. Because they can be recycled, they are used for many things (open cars, grilled marshmallows, hot dogs, scratching between mold and arm) have fantastic flexibility (so to speak) that makes them a good choice for many situations of clothing.
Padded hangers are mixed. The fabric may contain synthetic fiber fillers, plastic holders can cover, but they are decorative and easy to wear sensitive.

I have not come to any conclusions here. Perhaps it is time to analyze the carbon footprint of each pattern. But I want to conserve energy and do it research. When I run out of hangers I have to know what to do next. Removing my clothes from a tired and unused wardrobe would be the first option but to buy something that might be in order.


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